High level concepts that are used in the Enertel API responses. The 'language of Enertel forecasts'.
Users are provided access to forecasts at the target level, which is a given data series (DALMP, RTLMP, RegUp Price) at all of the objects (price nodes, hubs, interfaces) in a given indepedent system operator (ISO). Related terms: target_description, target_id.
Objects refer to the entities or items that are being analyzed or forecasted. This could include power plants, price nodes, hubs, interfaces, or system-wide entities. Related terms: object_name, object_id, object_type, iso.
Data Series
Data series are things being measured over time and can include real time price at specific intervals, day-ahead price, ancillary prices or non-market data like generation by type. Defined as series_name.
Features are columns of data that are the intersection of a single object and a single data series. The day-ahead price at a given price node is a feature_id that can be queried using our APIs.
Models are the algorithms and statistical methods used to generate forecasts. They are trained on historical data and are trained for a specific target and are used to generate forecasts for many objects and a given data series. Related terms: model_id, model_created_at, architecture.
Scenarios represent a dataframe that is a point-in-time snapshot of the inputs used to generate a forecast. They are specific to a target and include all of the relevant future-looking inputs, as they existed at the time of the scenario created_at. Models are run on scenarios to create many sleeves (or 'batches') of forecasts for many different objects and the given target's data series.
Forecast Batches
Forecast batches (also intuitively called 'sleeves') are groups of forecasts generated at the same time. They are created for one feature_id, from a single model_id, for a single scenario_id. They always contain the same number of forecasts as all other forecast batches for the same target.
Forecasts are the predictions generated by our models. They include 13 different percentile levels of the forecasted distribution for the given timestamp.